Most Art in South East Asia feels like kitsch and has mostly a religious purpose, though sometimes you can find beautiful pieces of modern/contemporary art and street art if you look the right way.

Modern Art

For example in Phnom Penh, the capital of cambodia, there was an augmented reality exhibition in The Plantation of several photo that were taken with an painting and with an app the artworks came alive. It is a collaboration of three artists: Eric Gu, Flori Green and Miguel Jeronimo.

Augmented reality art
Augmented reality art in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Also Bangkok has a fair share of modern art. Most of the time it’s commissioned work to make the city more alluring. Especially alongside Sukhumvit road you’ll see a lot of it.

Modern art in Bangkok
Modern art in Bangkok, Thailand

Street art

Next to art in exhibition and on commission there is also street art to be found. However, you’ll really have to search for it. Because it’s not a common thing here. Here are sone cool examples.

Street art in Kampot, Cambodia
Street art in Kampot, Cambodia
Street art in Hanoi, Vietnam
Street art in Hanoi, Vietnam


Just because it’s fun, here are some hilarious examples of the kitsch and religious art here in Asia.

Buddhist shrine at the Tiger Cave Temple
Buddhist shrine at the Tiger Cave Temple, Krabi, Thailand
Crazy house in Da Lat, Vietnam
Crazy house in Da Lat, Vietnam


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